New Service Announcement

New Service Announcement

Elevated Business Management Services:

Your Boutique COO!

Elevated Levels Foundation, Inc., founded in 2022, is dedicated to elevating the health and wellness of Black, Brown and Indigenous communities through The Arts, Learning and Economic Development. Elevated Levels is a 501c3 organization with a fee for service model (B2B, B2C). Elevated Levels is committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that elevates the ingenuity of human capital.

Elevated Levels aims to be the guiding platform for small organizations owned, operated or committed to a positive social impact on Black, Brown and Indigenous communities. Leveraging the diverse experiences of dynamic duo, Annie Holmes and Clifton Holmes Jr. aka Cliff, our services span finance, IT, organizational training and development, and strategic planning, all crafted to prioritize human-driven ingenuity with innovative technology.

Tier 1: $299.99/mo or $2,999.99 annually

  • Access to EL Business management services will be available behind a paywall hosted on the EL website.

  • The first tier of support includes onboarding, automation, bookkeeping setup & onboarding, financial reporting, access courses with like minded small business owners about key leadership strategies, personalized innovative technology integration to boost brand support, networking, marketing and basic business operations.

Tier 2: $599.99/mo or $6,599.99 annually

  • Access to all above EL business management services

  • Human resources support (full scope from recruitment to termination)

  • Up to 5 hours a week of an executive virtual assistant (e.g. scheduling, emailing, compiling and providing financial reports, etc.)

  • Grant Research & Writing (up to 3 grants monthly)

  • Access to curated library of small business owner resources

  • Growth Planning

Tier 3: $999.99/mo or $11,599.99 annually

  • Access to above EL business management services

  • Up to 10 hours a week of an executive virtual assistant

  • Personalized and cohort-based learning platforms. Topics may include, but are not limited to:

    • Accessing capital based on your type and phase of business

    • Business Plan Development and Implementation

    • Engaging venture capitalists, foundations, corporate and public policy funding

  • Access to top-tier expertise in effective small business ownership.

Let’s work together.

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!